CMPUT 229 - Computer Organization and Architecture I

Examples of Code Patterns and Structure in RISC-V - If Conditional

If Conditional Statement

This page covers if conditional statements in RISC-V.

In higher-level programming languages, an if-statement looks similar to the following:

if (condition) {
    code statement(s)

In assembly, simple condition expressions are computed by a branch instruction. A branch instruction does a boolean comparison of the value in two registers (==, >, <=, etc) and either executes the instruction immediately after the branch instruction, or jumps to a specified label and continues from there.

When converting a higher level code into assembly, it is common for the conditions in the branch conditions to be the opposite of the conditions in the higher level code. Consider the following C code:

if (x == 0) {
    a = b + c;
a = b - c;

This code can be converted into assembly this way:

    # Same order as original code
    bne t0, zero, _after     # if x != 0 goto _after
    add t1, t2, t3         # a = b + c;
    sub t1, t2, t3         # a = b - c;

This assembly assumes that x is in register t0, a in t1, b in t2, and c in t3. To maintain the order of the statements in the original C code, the instruction used for the branch is bne, which stands for "branch not equal". The condition is true if x is not equal 0.

An alternative conversion of the C code into assembly is this way:

    # Same condition expression as original code
    beq t0, zero, _add     # if x == 0 goto _add
    j _after
    add t1, t2, t3         # a = b + c;
    sub t1, t2, t3         # a = b - c;

In this version of the assembly implementation of the same C code the beq, which stands for "branch equal", is used. However maintaining the same equal testing condition as in the C code cause the order of the statements to be inverted in the assembly code and requires an additional jump instruction.

Link to a file containing the above code snippets