CMPUT 229 - Computer Organization and Architecture I

While Loops

229 RISC-V Examples - While Loops

This page covers the basic structure of while loops in RISC-V. The main idea is to use a label as an anchor point at the start of the loop, and we branch/jump to it to continue looping. There are two approaches to implement a while loop in assembly.

Consider the following while loop:

while (count < total) {
    count = count + count;

The control flow for this loop for both approaches is shown in the figure below. we could take and both are valid.

Approach #1: With a Loop Guard Branch

The idea is to first test the condition to check if the first iteration of the while loop has to be executed. If the condition is not met, the loop is skipped entirely.

The assembly code with a loop guard branch first tests if the condition is true:

# Register Usage:
# t0: count
# t1: total

    bge   t0, t1, _JoinPoint      # If count >= total is not < 7 then skip loop entirely
    add   t0, t0, t0              # count = count + count
    blt   t0, t1, _doubleCount    # If count < total go back to double count
    # Code after the while loop

The advantage of the guard branch is that there is no need for a jump instruction at the end of the loop.

Approach #2: No Guard Branch

The condition to continue the execution of the loop appears only inside the loop. The implementation for the same loop above with this approach is as follows:

# Register Usage:
# t0: count
# t1: total

    bge   t0, t1, _JoinPoint  # If count >= total is not < 7 then skip loop entirely
    add   t0, t0, t0          # count = count + count
    j     _checkCount         # If count < total go back to double count
# Code after the while loop

The disadvantage of this approach is that there is both a jump and a branch instruction inside the while loop. If the loop has many interactions, the additional jump could cause noticeable performance degradation.

Link to a file containing the above code snippets